Coping with Stress of a Long-Distance Relationship

Coping with Stress of a Long-Distance Relationship

Howdy folks! So, let’s dive right into this topic of long-distance relationships. You know, those love stories where two people are separated by miles and miles, but still manage to make it work? Yeah, that’s what we call a long-distance relationship. These types of relationships can be a rollercoaster of emotions, but don’t fret, because…

Making Friends After College The Impact of Lifestyle Changes

Making Friends After College The Impact of Lifestyle Changes

Intro: Ain’t Nobody Got Friends Like College Friends Hey y’all! Welcome to my blog post about making friends after college. It’s a struggle we all face after graduation, am I right? Suddenly, your squad of college friends is dispersed all over the country and you’re left feeling like you don’t know how to make friends…